Follow my blog with Bloglovin 12 free ways to increase traffic to your website in 2021

12 free ways to increase traffic to your website in 2021

Are you the owner of a small business? Have you tried your hand at running a business by creating your own website? Only one thing is missing: people who might be interested in purchasing your product or services.

You're not alone if you're having trouble getting people to visit your website. The majority of people who aren't familiar with digital marketing find it difficult to boost website traffic and maintain their online presence. 

That's why, in this post , we'll show you how to increase the number of visitors to your website. Let's get started!

Ways to increase traffic to your website in 2021


Make use of Social Media

Only a minor portion of your content marketing strategy entails creating excellent and original material. Another important aspect is to promote the content. After you've finished creating your material, you should share it on social media.

The following are the most prominent social media networks for boosting website traffic:

Twitter: Twitter is great for quick, easy-to-read tweets that connect with your audience.

Instagram: Instagram may be used to increase traffic to your website. You can use it to share movies and photographs of your company or industry-related topics.

Facebook: For small businesses, Facebook is an excellent low-cost marketing technique. It can be used to market your company, products, services, employees, and offices.

Linkedin: Linkedin is another fantastic way to get visitors to your website. Use this channel to share original, high-quality blog entries, photographs, quotes, videos, and any other form of content that your audience might find interesting.

Pinterest: In 2020, Pinterest implemented significant algorithm adjustments, which have resulted in a drop in clicks and reach for blogs all across the world. People are now making many pins per day and working hard to increase their traffic.

You'll notice an increase in your Pageviews if you stick with it.

Try using paid advertising.

Aside from free, organic promotion, there is also paid advertising, which is a popular option. You'll have to pay a $1 for this one (or hundred). Paid advertising may be costly, which is why you should keep track of how much you're paying. You'll need to know about conversion rates and click monitoring to do that. Google Analytics is the best tool for analysing paid advertising. Google Analytics will reveal the source of your traffic. You'll be left in the dark otherwise.

Paid advertising comes in a variety of forms, including:

Display advertising: Banners, landing pages, and popups are the most common types .

SEM: Search Engine Marketing is a type of advertising in which you pay each time a user clicks on your ad and visits your website.

Social media: You may always share your material for free on social media platforms. You can, however, pay for adverts to boost your posts. To increase site traffic, you can use paid advertising, promoted articles, or sponsored stories.

Pay-per-click: You pay for each and every click that leads to your website, regardless of whether the user converts or not.

Video Ads: You may buy YouTube advertisements to target potential consumers while they are viewing or searching for videos on the site. You only have to pay if they show up.

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Produce a variety of content

Yes, blogs are an excellent technique to boost website visitors. However, the key is to try out several sorts of content to see what performs best for your audience. After all, different forms of information appeal to different people. Some people prefer infographics, while others want to watch more videos. You'll keep your audience coming back for more if you provide them with a variety of fascinating information.

The following are the most popular types of content:

Blogs: the king of content is still blogs. They're instructive, informative, and readable. Additionally, Google search engines prefer websites with a blog area to those without.

Read more : How to start a profitable Blog in 2021 

Also read : 11 profitable Blog ideas that make money in 2021

Infographics: Infographics entice people to click on them. You can always hire a designer and promote it on social media afterward.

Videos: Videos can immediately capture and hold the attention of your target audience. If you don't have 8-10 minutes to read a blog, 2-minute videos will suffice.

Ebooks: eBooks are longer blogs that provide in-depth analysis or assistance on a particular topic. They're also fantastic with infographics and visuals.

Case studies are customer anecdotes that describe in detail how your company has aided a particular client or customer.

Optimize your content 

You'll have a hard time getting visitors to your website today if you don't optimise your content to be SEO-friendly. Learn more about SEO techniques or contact an SEO expert to help you optimise your website. Alternatively, we provide simple on-page SEO solutions that might help you improve your website's exposure.


The following are some of the best SEO practises:

  • Conducting keyword research to determine what buyers want.
  • Creating meta descriptions and title tags.
  • Image alt tags should be included.
  • Creating content with specific keywords in mind.
  • Header tags are included.
  • With anchor text, internal page linking is possible.
  • Creating material that is simple to read.

Make your website Mobile Friendly 

If you're serious about increasing traffic to your website, you'll want to make sure it's mobile-friendly. Why? Because mobile phones accounted for 52.2 percent of all internet traffic worldwide in 2018. If a visitor arrives at your website on a mobile device and is unable to navigate it, they are likely to leave and visit your competitors.

To make sure your site is mobile-friendly, use a tool like Google Search console and check the Pagespeed of your website . 

Answers questions on Quora.

Quora is an excellent source of traffic for your website. It can aid in the discovery of your brand, your responses may surface in Google searches, and you will learn more about your target demographic.

But what is the most effective strategy to use Quora to drive visitors to your website? Here are some pointers:

  • Respond to questions about your products or services.
  • Backlink to your blog or website.
  • Make sure your responses are thorough.
  • Write from your own personal experience.
  • Include pictures in your responses.
  • Use the platform to communicate with others, not to spam them.

Submit content to Reddit

Another excellent approach to improve website traffic is to use Reddit. Every month, this site receives about 165 million unique visits. Reddit is a great place to submit links to your blogs that others might find valuable. Technology, business, and startup subreddits are examples of distinct types of subreddits. Make sure your postings are appropriate for the subreddit you're in.

Video tutorials for YouTube

After Google, YouTube is the second most popular search engine on the planet. People frequently search the channel for video material, thus earning visibility here will undoubtedly increase traffic to your website. You can utilise YouTube to post videos and tutorials that will entice people to your website. However, in order to be successful, you must have the time and resources to continuously generate high-quality material.

Make your material available on Medium.

Medium is the place to go if you have something interesting to say. Medium users are looking for unique, high-quality content and are unconcerned about the author's popularity. Because its algorithm elevates the greatest stories to the front of the stream, why not give it a shot if you're a strong storyteller? It could be a great approach to increase visitors to your website.


Here are some strategies that your company can use to be successful on Medium:

  • Repurpose content from your website or blog.
  • Create a group of blogs centred on a business-related theme.
  • Please provide a link to your website or blog.
  • Learn how to utilise UTM parameters to track the traffic to your Medium posts.

Make use of email marketing

Email marketing is still the most effective marketing channel, according to 2018 research. Why? Because email is more widely used than other platforms. That's why, for small business owners like yourself, a good email marketing strategy is more crucial than ever.

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Here are some email marketing tips for improving online traffic:

  • Create an email list 
  • Free downloads, white papers, or eBooks can be used to entice individuals to sign up.
  • Send emails on a regular basis.
  • Keep your emails to a minimum.
  • Make interesting subject lines.
  • Create a landing page for your marketing campaign.

Begin with guest posting.

You can increase traffic to your website and grow your brand by putting your material on other reputable websites. Finding a site to guest write on is the first and most critical step in guest blogging. Here are some pointers:
  • Find someone in your business who does a lot of guest posting and ask them for a list of locations where they've done so.
  • Enter a simple guest post search string, such as "[keyword]" guest post, into Twitter search.
  • Examine your competitors' backlinks.
  • Go to, type in your topic, and a list of the finest blogs in your niche will appear. 

Invite others to contribute to your blog as guest bloggers.

Why not allow people in your field to write blogs on your site in addition to sharing your information on other blogs? This is a fantastic marketing tactic for increasing website visitors.

But what good does it do you to have other people blog on your site? They will, in turn, share and link to their guest content, thereby bringing more traffic to your site. To avoid upsetting Google, make sure their material is unique and of good quality, with no spammy links.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has given you some great ideas for increasing website traffic. It's now your time! Which tactic do you think you'd go with? Are you planning to start posting your content on Reddit or will you try guest blogging? In any case, best of luck, and we hope you succeed in growing your site in this popular market.


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